12 October 2016

Mini Nutella baked donuts

150g plain flour 
1tsp baking powder
½tsp salt
110g caster sugar
120ml milk
2 large eggs
20g unsalted butter (melted)
1tsp vanilla extract

2tbs Nutella
12 squares of dark chocolate (sorry this isn't very precise, it was a bit of an experiment!)

Makes 24 mini donuts

Preheat your oven to 170 degrees. You'll need a mini donut pan for these, like this and grease it like your life depends on it otherwise you'll never get these little buggers out of it when baked! I used sunflower oil and brushed it on and particularly in the centers of the donut pan.

Combine all your dry ingredients. Then combine all your wet. Then using a stand mixer (because I'm lazy) pop the dry ingredients in and gradually add the wet while mixing slowly. I found that I didn't need all of the wet to give a good batter, you don't want it too runny, More the consistency of pancake batter.

Then pour or using a teaspoon fill each of the holes, about 3/4 full and pop them in the oven for 8-10 minutes until light golden and coming away from the edges. As soon as you've removed them from the oven, slide a sharp knife around the edges to loosen them, otherwise they will be really awkward to remove, then pop them out using the knife and leave to cool on a rack. They wont take long.

Then add both the Nutella and dark chocolate squares to a small pan and heat gentle on the hob until it resembles a ganache like consistencey. Remove from the heat and dip your mini donuts into the Nutella goodness, pop them back on the cooling rack and then sprinkle on your desired sprinkle and leave to set.

These are best eaten on the day of making. Thankfully that isn't hard because they are so yummy!

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